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How to Skip Labs

Labs can be skipped by attendees who:

  • arrive late, leave early
  • get pulled into a meeting
  • have a doctors appointment
  • understand a topic and want to move on to a topic they don't know
  • etc...


  • Backup your current code
  • Download code
  • Install dependencies


Backup your current code

  1. Close any editor(s) and command prompt(s) or terminal(s) related to your code copy of the course labs in the directory code\projectpilot.
  2. Rename code\projectpilot to code\projectpilot_bkup1 or something similar.

Download code

Download the completed code for the lab before the one you would like to work on following the steps below.

For example, if you wanted to work on lab 18 download lab 17

Finished solution code for each of the labs is available in this repository

  1. Open the branch you want to download:

    • For example:
    • You can use this template:

    Replacing xx with the lab number

  2. Change tree to archive and add a .zip extension

  1. Rename the zip.
  1. Copy into code\
  2. Unzip the file.

Install dependencies

  1. Open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac) in code\projectpilot.
  2. Run the command.
    npm install
  3. After the install finishes, run the command.
    npm run dev
  4. If you are working on a lab which requires the backend api (lab 17 or later). Open another command-line or terminal. Run the command.
    npm run api

You have completed the Appendix A1 for the labs.
