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Lab 4: Your First Component


  • Create a component
  • Render the component


Create a component

  1. Create the directory src\projects.

  2. Create the file src\projects\ProjectsPage.jsx

  3. In the file, create a function component that returns the following html:


    The solution code for the component appears next. Challenge yourself to write it from scratch before looking at it.

    In VS Code, you could use this extension VS Code ES7 React/Redux/React-Native/JS snippets that you installed as part of the setup for the course and then type rfce then tab.



    function ProjectsPage() {
    return <h1>Projects</h1>;

    export default ProjectsPage;

Render the component

  1. Remove the <blockquote>...</blockquote> we returned in the last lab and replace it with <ProjectsPage/> wrapped in a div with a css class of container.


    + import ProjectsPage from './projects/ProjectsPage';

    function App() {
    - return (
    - <>
    - <blockquote cite="Benjamin Franklin">
    - Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
    - </blockquote>
    - </>
    - );
    + return (
    + <div className="container">
    + <ProjectsPage />
    + </div>
    + );

    Be sure to include the import for the component at the top of the file.

  2. Verify the following is displayed in the browser:


You have completed Lab 4