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Lab 7: Displaying List Data


  • Format the list data as list items
  • Format the list data as cards


Format the list data as list items

  1. Modify src\projects\ProjectList.jsx to format the project information into a HTML unordered list.

    <li>Project Name 1</li>
    <li>Project Name 2</li>

    Be sure to set a key for each list item.



    function ProjectList({ projects }) {
    - return <pre>{JSON.stringify(projects, null, ' ')}</pre>;
    + return (
    + <ul className="row">
    + { => (
    + <li key={}>{}</li>
    + ))}
    + </ul>
    + );

    export default ProjectList;
  2. Verify the project names display in the browser (they may overlap at this point).

Format the list data as cards

  1. Update src\projects\ProjectList.jsx to format the project information into a rows of cards that show additional project information using the HTML template below.

    <div class="cols-sm">
    <div class="card">
    <img src="project image url" alt="project name" />
    <section class="section dark">
    <h5 class="strong">
    <strong>project name</strong>
    <p>project description</p>
    <p>Budget : project budget</p>

    Remember that you will need to replace attribute class with className and change html attributes from src="project image url" to src={project.imageUrl}.

    TIP: Visual Studio Code has an extension HTML to JSX to do the attribute conversion.



    function ProjectList({ projects }) {
    - return (
    - <ul className="row">
    - { => (
    - <li key={}>{}</li>
    - ))}
    - </ul>
    - );

    export default ProjectList;
    function ProjectList({ projects }) {
    + return (
    + <div className="row">
    + { => (
    + <div key={} className="cols-sm">
    + <div className="card">
    + <img src={project.imageUrl} alt={} />
    + <section className="section dark">
    + <h5 className="strong">
    + <strong>{}</strong>
    + </h5>
    + <p>{project.description}</p>
    + <p>Budget : {project.budget.toLocaleString()}</p>
    + </section>
    + </div>
    + </div>
    + ))}
    + </div>
    + );

    export default ProjectList;
  2. Download the code snippets, data, and images needed for the labs by following these steps.

    1. Click this link to open the starter files repository on GitHub.
    2. Click the Green Code button then choose Download ZIP.
  3. Open File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) and go to your downloads directory.

  4. Unzip the file archive you just downloaded.

  5. If it doesn't already exist, create the directory projectpilot\public

  6. Copy the assets directory (which has images used in the application) and its contents into the projectpilot\public directory.

    • Do not copy the assets into the projectpilot\src\assets directory. You want to place the images into projectpilot\public\assets
  7. Verify the project data displays correctly in the browser.


    If the images aren't loading refresh your browser. Vite's reloading is fast but not perfect.


Note you can use toLocaleString to format the project budget number in JavaScript.

<p>Budget : {project.budget.toLocaleString()}</p>

If you need to format something in React, ask yourself or How would I do this in JavaScript?

You have completed Lab 7